Friday, June 13, 2008

Unplanned Weirdness!

Today I woke up at like 12 o'clock. It was amazing. I went out to lunch with grandma, mom, and sister at Blue Plate. It was delicious. Then i cleaned, i know its not something i do, but i did it, for my Dad who is coming home tomorrow. I am so excited! He has been off running skateboard events on the other side of the country with Anthony. Anthony is this kid who works with my Dad. He has been living in our basement, and i have gone to school longer than he has just by completing my freshman year in high school. I know, SAD. But any who. Then Spencer and his girlfriend decided to drop in. They invited themself over and came and just played gutair hero. It was kind of awkward they sat really close together and were all flirty. I know i know, they are DATING but i was still there. Spencer then invited Aaron and Chase. That grew more weird. So i invited Amy. At the end i had a house hold full of people i wasnt planning on and a history of two hours of Gutair Hero. It was weird. I would text people and Amy would say TALK TO THE PEOPLE YOUR WITH. The problem was, i didnt want all these people. And now i have to clean my living room. I dont want sympathy, but that was my WonderFUL day.

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