Sunday, December 18, 2011

Ciao Bella, Ciao

I am exhausted despite sleeping in until eleven o clock this morning. I spent the entire day running around the city, just because I can. It was quite chilly today.  Although the sun was out, the clouds covered it’s heat. The wind blew any warmth that may have been there away, following the heavy flow of the Arno River. Thank goodness I had those cute mittens to keep my fingers from falling off like my nose nearly did.

Like promised I took a few photographs of the golfing off the bridge set up. They are not very good, but hey, it was hard to capture such an abstract sporting event.

I also stumbled upon some other interesting street artists.

Yes, this man is real. Yes, he is covered in paint and doesn’t move for thirty minutes. Yes, it is creepy. No, I did not push him over.

The silliest thing I saw today was this puppet show. It was these two men that looked like they loved life to much (not a bad thing) and were making everyone smile. (I uploaded the video on YouTube so I apologize to those who get this emailed to you, but you wont see it in your email. BUT please check it out. Here is the link: )

Tomorrow is my last day in Florence. What a journey this has been. I have no regrets and have enjoyed this experience more than anything. I am truly lucky and thankful to have this opportunity.

I am going to end with Verbaledudette’s Gift Guide Item Number Eighteen: Natwerks Mounting Sauces. (I think I may have called last nights number eighteen but that is a lie. See.. I check my numbers by looking at the date and when I wrote last nights, it was really this morning, so two posts both written on the 18th. I know it is not important. I just needed to explain my faults.)

These are fun for the whole family. What more would Dad want than to put ketchup on his hamburger like a working tool from his tool box you got him last year? Also Ladies, you know how you want your man to fill in the cracks in the tiles in the shower, let him practice with this first! He will be pro when he finally picks up your hint that the shower needs finishing touches.

Where to find this:
Price: Hmmm… good question.

Have a goodnight Friends. : ) xoxo 

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