Thursday, December 8, 2011

please don't regret signing up for the email

Dear Family and Friends:

I know when you got the message that I would be blogging my way through Italy, you thought it would be more exciting than my lasts posts. Truth is, I even thought it would be more exciting. What has happened to me is Florence. I have been overcome by it's city that when I finally sit down to write about all the little simple things that make up my day to day life here, I can't. I get bored with writing them down. I get lazy due to the clock striking eleven thirty. I created this gift guide as a fun thing to post every day. A way to connect me to home. A way to count down to my departure. I know, it probably is not what you expected or what you find cool, but please stick with me. This blog is much more than advertisements for christmas gifts. It is my life, what I find cool, what I want to write.

Thank you for reading.


the blogger who is concerned you are bored and disappointed with her posts

Verbaledudette Gift: # 8

Konforte Chockolates: Savory Combinations that are Easy to Love

These will create the best stocking (i almost wrote stalking) stuffers. There unique flavors are sure to give your taste buds a run for their money. They are anything but boring. Just look at those flavors. (If you do try one, please let me know how they taste. I am very curious.)

Where to find:
Price: $3.49 (individually)

Have a good night. xoxo

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