Saturday, September 8, 2012

i think i have gotten more inspirational and sappy over here.

Well well well. What a beautiful saturday in this lovely city today has turned out to be. I woke up naturally, took a shower, wore comfortable yet chic clothes, and walked down to the bay with my roomies (and across the hall homies.) I have not laughed so hard in a very long time. Dinner was delicious. We just finished the watching "It is kind of a funny story" which was adorable. I took a few photos while we were down at Pier 14, posted below. 

I love the buildings. they are simply inspiring. also, every time I look up while walking down a big city street I instantly hear "sweet disposition" by the Temper Trap. (For those of you who don't know, that song is practically the theme song for my favorite movie "500 Days of Summer" and is first introduced when the leading male is talking about architecture.) 

At the street fair. This man was making a ring. 

Above is a very talented charcoal artist. I love the characters this city has to provide. 

Roommates. Are they not beautiful? On the left is Savannah and Phoebe next to her. Below is Kayleigh. 

This is the bay bridge. Beautiful sail boats passed our way. 
(Yes, the carried beautiful sailor boys too, but my lens did not capture their beauty fast enough because I was too busy picking my jaw up off the dock.)

Meet Paisley. 
See lives across the hall from me. She is simply stylish and a class act with a non stop laughable humor. 
Also, her favorite book is Perks of Being a Wallflower, which gives her many extra points because that is also my favorite book.

I think this guy had a really hard night last night, or maybe even morning. He looked like he stepped on the dock to sort out lives problems and his only companion was a cigarette. 
He looked like he had a story to tell. 
Part of me wishes I had asked what it was. 

The dock lines. Nothing like symmetry right after lunch. 

Cute cute Phoebe. 
No matter how old you get, you still believe you can fly. 

Savannah throwing her arms in the air and the chair spud her around. 
This is exactly how our day was, carefree happiness. 

Sometimes, like all the time, I cannot believe that I actually live here and have the opportunities I do. 

the sleeping beauties of this city. 

This young boy, maybe ten years of age, carried the soul of a sixty year old jazz player. He tapped his foot to a rhythm, while his lips pursed against a black taped trumpet. 
I hope he makes it far. I would pay to see him perform. 

And finally: the ladies. 

Today was just simply sweet. Filled with good times and good people. 

My horoscope was right, things are looking up and I do have so much to be thankful for. 


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