Thursday, September 13, 2012

well, it was history

I am sure you are all dying to know how my history class went, the final of the four, the big tada, the lonely one left.

Well, it was history, but i think it might be a good history.

My original professor will not be teaching due to a medical emergency that is going to pull him out for the rest of the semester (I really hope he is okay) and the permeant substitute was ill today, so I had a substitute for my substitute. She was a little too excited and over joyed with odd humor - it made me appreciate that she would only be teaching for three hours of my historic class career.

 I do not really have much to say about it. The students were nothing exciting and the subject is rather interesting - but also rather boring. The history of photography isn't very long, so we are spending fifteen or so weeks going in depth of only a few decades. Currently I think it is too deep of a dive to have for one class, but oh well. I know I will learn something and that is what is important.

You have to know where you came from to know where you are going right?

This is brief, but I am really tired.

My final thought is a wish to one of my good friends in Salt Lake City: Happy Birthday Kramer!


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