Monday, September 10, 2012

i don't want your cute cupcakes anyways

The sky outside is so clear tonight. Usually there is fog (which i love,) but tonight it is a dark, clear, blue. The only thing that could make it even more beautiful is if we could see the stars like we can back in Salt Lake.

I had a wonderful day.

It started out with breakfast with Phoebe, a quick walk to my class, and then the best class ever. I had my first day of digital photography.

Now I do not know much about the class at all, but what I do know is that my teacher is the coolest being to walk the earth of teacher land (Next to you Mama, of course.) This is her:

She takes photos of bar life and concerts, looks about twenty something, acts like a hipster, and is totally bad ass. ALSO, she knows what she is talking about and is excited to teach us.

The students in my class are odd. Like really. I am really curious about what kind of work they will produce.

After class, I had an interview with Cako Bakery - the cupcake bakery that I applied to work at. I sat down with the guy, a young Asian with a Dell Lap Top. He had a list of printed out questions, about fifteen. The questions included things like "what is customer service?" I answered with a great detail answer and he looked up from his computer, that I am pretty sure he was facebooking on, and he said "no, it's giving service to the customer." I gave a perfect interview and this guy could not make any eye contact with me, looked behind me and to the side the whole time, and answered his phone half way through. When he was done, he asked me for the times I am available. I was prepared and handed him a written sheet of my class schedule. He looked at it for a bit and said "I don't think we can work around this. Can you change your classes?" I just looked at him. Seriously dude? Do you know how much this school costs? I am not going to change me schedule to work for your little cup cake shop that you take too seriously. I said no nicely of course. But when it was done, I practically said that maybe this isn't the job for me. I said thank you for his time and it was nice to meet you. He waved his hand like shooing me away. So there. No cupcakes for me. No Audrey for them. (Thank you for letting me get that out of my system.)

Have a good night! xo

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