Monday, February 17, 2014

he broke his finger is 2011 and sprained his knee in 2014

Today is President's Day in the good ol' US of A and what this means is that every school across the country had today off, except for the Academy of Art University. Sound familiar? Yeah, that is the school I go to.

I haven't had the chance to tell you about my school days, because this blog has been dedicated to the hot men fighting for medals in Russia, but let me fill you in a little. I am taking a old fashioned, analogue, dark room, black and white, film photography, class. I haven't developed my own film and prints since I was in Italy (a moment to reflect back on such great times..thank you.) Last class we developed our first rolls of film and today we developed contact sheets. It felt so good to be back in the dark room, a good playlist on your headphones, your hands dipped in fixer, and creativity in your control.

If you have ever been with me while we confessed our deepest desires, you might already know this, but the dark room is like my ultimate dream kiss spot. So while I was developing today, I couldn't stop thinking about someone coming in and layin' one on me. And that special guy was tonight's Olympic Hottie, Xavier Bertoni:

25, French, and a half pipe skier, this blonde babe captured my heart when I first saw him on TV with Kevin Rolland while participating in the XGames.

His hobbies include parachute jumping, motorcycles, mountain biking, and quad biking (not sure what that is, but if I get to see your quads, hey, it can't be too bad.)

He broke his finger is 2011 and sprained his knee January 2014.

He has a tv/web series with Kevin Rolland at and it includes videos of them skiing, eating, traveling, sleeping, and sometimes singing in the shower.

Goodnight. XO

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