Sunday, November 6, 2011

The evening night of Fall Break

Joanna’s aunt arrived today and I blame her for my overdose of homesickness today. That and my mother text me that she misses me and I could not respond due to the lack of network my phone has acquired. I guess it is about time this feeling has over come me, but today, it is to the point that I did not want to do anything.

I miss my family.

I am tired of having the same thing for dinner every night. I crave chicken, rice, and vegetables.

I hate having to sit next to a certain wall to maybe get internet.

I have painted my nails out of comfort with so many layers that when the hot water from the bath melts the top layer, I can just smooth my finger over it and the bumps and dents go away.

I do not remember what a true shower is like and can guarantee that I will not be able to stand long enough to wash my hair when I get home. It’s the bathtub-for-four-months-handicap.

I hate not knowing what is going on in the world because my Yahoo is in Italian along with all the newspapers.

I experienced what acne (okay so it is like one zit at a time, just let me be dramatic today) is AFTER I graduated from high school when that embarrassing “pizza face” stages are supposed to end.

My form of late night entertainment is reading books and I do not like to read that much.

I miss having my own room and a place to lay out all my make up and having my dresser inside my room.

I want my clothes to smell like when my mom does laundry.

 I miss socializing with people other than the two (lovely) girls who I live and breathe with.

I miss chai tea and Coffee Garden conversations.

I want to tell someone the best and worst parts of my day. 

I want someone to text me.

My hair hates having split ends and my pillowcase no longer smells like hair products.

I cannot wait to stop hearing my neighbors brutally abuse their children with their screams.

Although swimming pools are great, I no longer want the water to smell or chlorine.

I want to go home.

I did do something though. I got dressed, put on some mascara, fixed my hair, and went out and took photographs for my project: faceless portraits. Walking home I realized that although I am desperately homesick, I do not want to leave Italy.

I will miss Charles and Melania, Joanna and Rachel.

I love not having multiple choices for dinner and how every time we eat a bowl of pasta, we (Joanna, Rachel, and I) turn to each other and say, “This is exactly what I was craving.”

I love that my nails are black and it does not look gothic, but rather very European. I have perfected painting them without getting my entire finger covered in paint.

I have enjoyed reading and relaxing in the bathtub every night while steaming up my pours. It is like a personal sauna.

I love being clueless about everything. I have no worries in the world.

I wont miss the acne, but face washing and eyebrow picking parties with Joanna are too enjoyable to give up.

I am proud of my reading record and want to continue escaping to different realities.

Sharing a room has kept me tidier and forced me to make my bed everyday.

I now do my own laundry. I love hanging up my clothes to dry outside.

I love not depending on internet other than means of communicating with my family.

I love not knowing the language and observing conversations instead of having them.

I rarely have “worst parts” of my day and it is nice that my phone is only used as an alarm.

My hair is getting longer and thicker.

It is comforting coming home to this apartment and living on my own (kind of.) I have a home in Florence because I LIVE here.

But I still miss my family.

I guess what I am trying to say is that although I am homesick, it will be hard to leave all this behind. Charles said this would happen. He said that once fall break ends I would get excited to almost be going home, but at the same time extremely sad that I will leave Florence. Curse you Charles for being right.

I miss you Konrad, Monica, Gabrielle, Grandma, Michael, Tommie, Gail, Luke, Amelia, Becca, Cassie, Kramer etc.

44 days.

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