Thursday, September 15, 2011

this post is dedicated to wishing Kramer good luck on his oral Spanish test.

I think that Netgear (the wireless internet we were feeding off in our apartment) has run away. We have not been able to really connect to in anywhere in the apartment the last twenty-four hours. I am hoping he is just temporally on leave and will be back soon. It makes it hard to do our homework when we do not have Internet at home. Oh goodness. I guess I should just be lucky that we have an apartment. It is just lonely without Netgear. He has become a brother to me.

Today was my day of photography and I endured it without even the slightest bit of sleep. The passed few nights I have been having the weirdest dreams. They are causing restless sleeping. And then last night, poor Rachel has a band knee after falling, so she had a hard time getting comfortable and then later in the night her nose bled and she flicked on the lights igniting the whole room with brightness. I do not blame here for doing this,  I mean I would. But this made it hard for me to fall back asleep.

Anyways. Back to photography. This morning at nine o’clock I had my super, special, secret class with Charles (try and say that ten times fast.) I am not sure if he liked my apartment photographs or the post cards I picked out. He is very difficult to read. But my next two assignments are to take photos for “postcards” that are unique but still have the same “postcard esthetic” to them.  The other one is to create a slideshow telling a story using only photographs. I think I am going to recreate the tragic love of Romeo and Juliet (that is my favorite story. It is so romantic. Joanna called me a “bleeding heart” because of my sappy thoughts that “love will conquer all.”) It will be creative but challenging.

Later in the day in Film class we made contact sheets and developed a print. It felt so good to be back in a dark room (that is where you develop your photographs.) It is so comforting and relaxing to me to develop images. I feel at home. My contact sheet took a while to get the right lighting but turned out all right. My images are defiantly not up to my standards yet. The print that I developed today was this poster I have been seeing all around town. It is an image of Madonna with a black eye and bleeding a little. I have fallen in love with it. The posters glued to buildings around town are torn enough to hide what the identity of the reason for them. I was listening to my ipod and a crystal castles song came on. Truth be told, the Madonna image is their album cover. I was so excited.

I painted my nails black (with one pink) and I feel so European.

Ciao. xoxo

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