Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I write this while staring at the Duomo as stars appear behind it on a black canvas.

I think I am dyslexic.

I am not just saying this; I really think that there is a small percentage of this learning disability in my brain. I constantly write backwards, putting the wrong letters first, in the wrong order. “Is” is easily written as “si” but I just casually change it thinking that maybe I writing fast.

It has become kind of obvious in Italian Language class. I have a hard time pronouncing, reading, and writing, the words even though in my head I know the right from the wrong.

It also may be a reason why I can never spell anything correct. It is not enough to reroute my learning and making life harder, but I defiantly think it is there.


Today, after Language (which I could tell you about, but nothing new has happened in that class and no new “sex jokes” have developed) Joanna and I went and played cards on the steps of the plainest churches in Florence. It has no decorations, is flat, square, and blends in with the color of the sun. Now it is beautiful, but compared to every other Italian church, it is quite boring.

After cards we walked to Joanna’s favorite gelato shop. Let me tell you, this is the best. It was delicious and was the perfect way to end the afternoon.

After getting home and talking to Rachel, the three of us decide to rearrange my room. Now we have dancing space! Just what I need!

This weekend, Rachel is going to Germany while Joanna & I are going to Siena for an art show. I am very excited to travel and explore a little. And plus, everyone knows I am a sucker for art shows big to small.

As a closing statement.. MY SISTER GOT HER PERMIT TO DRIVE! Yahoo!! Great job Gabrielle! I am so proud of you (yet so terrified!) Love you and Miss you more than anything!

Have a good night. Ciao. xoxo

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