Monday, December 10, 2012

i never used to win anything

Guess what?! Tonight I am going to a concert after winning a pair of tickets through a concert app! Two tickets (each at a 60 dollar value) to Antibalas - a Brooklyn based afrobeat group. I have invited my friend Jordan and although we are not allowed to bring cameras - i have a feeling we will party hard. I never used to win anything - but now look at me! Two winnings in the last two months!? Oh San Francisco, you do love me.

Verbaleudette's Gift Guide: Day 18 - Tiny Tape

In my house, the minute you open goodies (anything from candies, to chips, to nuts for salads) people always get their fingers in the bags and eat it all before you even get to think of having it again. I have a new solution! Tiny tape will nicely remind those little sneakers to stay out of your things! What a perfect gift for yourself from Santa! (And it's European - so it is the best instantly.)

Also - a quick update on my finals. I presented my event photographs in class today and everyone loved it. Also, I am pretty confident about my Digital Final Exam today. It seemed pretty easy - which hopefully is a good thing.

Well, I got to dance on off to my show! Special Guest list here I come!


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