Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Wonders of Note Passing

Hello Dudes and Dudettes! 

Mood: I am doing amazing. I am happy. I feel loved. Isn't it a good feeling when you someone tells you a compliment or something that makes you smile (even if he has a girlfriend)? I love it. Ah i love texting. ha ha 

Listening too: "All I want for Christmas is You" By: Mariah Carey  and "Great DJ" By: The Ting Tings 

Eating: Well actually I am drinking warm lemonade with honey. It is such a calming drink. YUM!

Quote of the Moment: "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, I can't stand it! It's too easy! The child is in love with a human. And not just any human. A prince!" - Ursula (The Little Mermaid) 

Just Wondering: What makes a sunset so beautiful? I love sunsets, everything about them. The way the colors melt together or the cloud "puffs" sprinkle
d through the sky. No sunset is the ever the same. Its like a snowflake, each one different. Every fairy tale dream I have had involves my 'prince' and I on the beach with a beautiful sunset. You get the most satisfying feeling when you take your camera and capture the perfect moment that is spread across the sky. AHH. I love sunsets. 
Sunset taken this summer on the Oregon Coast during the skate tour! 

  • I think today should have had the name of "The Day to Piss Aud Off!" because goodness... everyone seemed to to do something that made me either want to cry or get mad or something. (being the nice person I am I tried not to let it get to me)  That is probably why I am in such a good mood at the moment, cause I had such a bad day. Listen up: 
  1. Today was Sarah's 18th birthday (she drives me to school along with my other neighbor) and because I love her oh so much i made her cookies. Well skipping ahead: the other girl in my car just told Sarah she was taking two cookies and just took them and put them in her lunch with her other cookies her mom packed her. It bugged me because I had made them for Sarah. 
  2. Okay so in English we had to write a rough draft of a paper under the prompt "What historical figure would you want to me and what one question would you ask them and why" My draft was I guess not long enough and when my teacher asked me why my essay was too short I told her I must have misunderstood the length requirements and I said all I needed to say in one page instead of a page and a half. She then said "boo hoo" and brought her hand to her eyes like she was crying. Grr. Then when she asked me who i wrote to and I said Martin Luther King, she went off on a rampage about not being creative and choosing a trite character. I told her my my question was to ask King what he thought about the change in history and electing an African American for president. She said "okay" and walked away. I just thought that my question was really creative. Ahh. Who cares I guess. 
  • Anyways: tonight in Drivers Ed. I got all courageous and passed a note to this cute boy sitting in front of me. He wrote back. I wrote back. Blah blah. Then afterwards he officially introduced himself to me and we realized that we had been at the same Halloween party. I felt bad that i didn't recognize him... but he remembered me. Ha Ha. Well that made my night. 
Well that's all I have to say! Peace.



Anthony said...

Note passing is old school. Texts are where it's at.

Natalie said...

HEY! Let's be friends! we can dub the next two years "Let's piss of Natalie years" :) love