Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Transformers: Robots in Disguise

this was my horoscope of the day: 
Some rumors are fun to hear -- so much fun that when you hear them, you start thinking about making one up to send back via the same messenger. Something along those lines is about to reach you now, regarding a certain someone you'd be hard pressed to deny your attraction to. Don't even bother trying to deny it. You're sweet on them, and apparently the feelings are mutual. Now what are you going to do about it?

And I can not wait until Alice and Wonderland comes out. Tim Burton is amazing. Here is a picture of Johnny Depp for the movie. March 5, 2010!!
This morning. At 12. AM. I saw Transformers 2. I honestly didnt like it. The last hour itself was robots fighting and dying and coming back to life and fighting again. It got old. I do have to admit that the work and design for this movie was quite impressive. The fight scene, as long as it was, used great dynamics in animation (the robots) and a lot of explosives. My favorite part was "lets roll." Epic scene. Cheesy line. I dont know why people keep trying to put that in movies. It never works. Oh and also I went with a bunch of guys right and of course, they think Megan Fox is hot. So when she was running away from danger, dirt flying, death on her tail, in her little tank top there eyes were glued. It was funny to watch as they eyes bounced up and down with her chest. In sync. Buh dum Buh dum! Haha good times. 


Anthony said...

You won like a thousand points back for admiring Tim Burton and being psyched for Alice. I am too. SO FREAKING MUCH!... but I won't be here when it comes out :/ So sad... Burton is my favorite of all directors, and yet I've seen so few of his movies ACTUALLY in theaters. It's a bummer.

Also, Megan Fox isn't hot. Slap them. She looks gross... like all the time...

And in conclusion: Transformers uses that line TO be cheesey. The "Autobots, Let's roll out!" and all various forms of "let's roll" used in the series started out kinda trying to be funny in the old cartoons cuz... you know, they're cars. They LITERALLY roll. But in the films, the majority of cheesey lines are there JUST to be cheesey cuz the original cartoons and so forth were... well, cheesey.

Anonymous said...

yo umake me laugh wayyyyyy to much ..geez chica i just might have to get stomach surgery cus tis gonna explode of laughter.. or lip surgery cus my smile is getting bigger and bigger each time i read your posts tee hee (exaggeration ya know) but i loved the "meagan fox" part priceless