Monday, June 22, 2009

8 things. thats it. just 8. not 9. 8.

Just a heads up: 
  1. im leaving in 10 days. 
  2. i celebrated father's day today. yes yes. i am a day late. but i cant share holidays on one day. Go skateboard day is always on the same day. so fathers day can be moved around a bit. and plus. my father was late too. 
  3. im going to see transformers 2 tomorrow at midnight.
  4. i saw slum dog millionaire tonight. loved it. 
  5. i have never seen the first transformers.
  6. i love my sister. 
  7. theater school is rough. but i love every minute those kids smile. 
  8. im done. 


Anthony said...

Never saw Transformers? Then is a bloody smart thing to be going to the sequel you ruddy twit. People like you, actually, really kinda sicken me a bit. When I make movies, Imma quiz people before they go into the theater to make sure they've seen the predecessors to the films their seeing... if they haven't, they will be executed.

Jocelyn said...

i hadnt seen it either until about a week ago, I was rather disappointed