I decided that this post is going to be filled with a bunch of randomness. So if you do not like randomness I suggest taking your little mouse up to the address bar and type something else in (like facebook where you can stalk other people instead of reading my about my awesome randomcraptasticness-- yes that word was made up) and then press enter. If you are still reading, may god grant you patients to make it to the end. I would also suggest getting up, walking to your medicine closet and grabbing the bottle of Advil and setting it besides you just incase this randomness gives you a headache. Now lets begin.
I am sitting her text messaging- because that is what i do- and I have decided that phones should have spell check. I know I know most people out there use things like LOL or OMG or my personal favorite WTF (Utah version: WT.) But come on people. We all aint spelling bee winners and some of us use real words in our texts. I sat her staring at my text because I thought I spelt absolutely wrong.. after a few minutes I decided to type it in the computer to see. And sure enough I forgot the 'e.' That little 'e' problem could have been solved if there was spell check. I am sure that there is spell check on more fancy phones that have everything on them and could even brush your teeth for you if you needed it too, but I want spell check on my palm centro brick.
For the past few days I have been cleaning my room. Actually I lied. I have been organizing, dejunking, cleaning, my room. I went through every drawer and closet, throwing away anything I didn't need anymore. Now that it is finished it is very relaxing to be sitting here in my nice and tidied room. While cleaning I found some fun stuff. Like my favorite pen from 7th grade or my love notes from Griffin from Elementary school. I also found a pencil box filled with gel pens! Remember when these were the things to have? They were my favorite thing. One year I even had my mom buy me a jumbo pack at Costco. I had every color. And then I had every color in sparkles and metallic. I used to write notes to my friends in them, correct papers in class, or even give myself a tattoo in gel pens. These simple pens that had colorful inks and flowed so nicely were gods gift to me when I was little. Now that I found them I think I am going to be addicted to using them again.
While cleaning I also found this poem I made in 8th grade. It was project for Mr. Kirchner in English. I read through it and I relized I was not too bad of a writer. I will share it with you because I know you are dying to know what it says now:
That One Night
Hours could have passed, but I didnt care
His arms were holding me tightly
as we went dancing through the stars
I'm sorry for all the times I lost my temper
but love is a battlefied
And where that boy so caught up in truth
dances until music freezes
and my feet stop
perfect moments times ten
but in love
I'm the relation between man and the stars
while I am dreaming in my living room
Tada! Pretty amazing right? I know I thought so myself too. Th
ats why I showed it to you, so you too can enjoy my 8h grade writing style.
Remember a few posts back. Two posts back. When I told you Theater School was cancelled? Well.. plans might be changed. It might be back up again but I am not certain. And if it if guess who is in charge of the whole thing because Amy made plans the minute she found out it was over? You guessed it: Me. Your Verbaledudette may be in charge of theater school. SO help me god. It will be fun! I will have no idea what I am doing, but hey! Most of my best work comes from the toss salad method. Just throw what you have in and see what comes out.
I think the radio stations need to stop playing Poker Face by Lady Gaga. It is driving me insane. Every time I get in the car and turn on the radio Ppppookkker face is singing to me through the speakers. But then I change the channel and "Kiss me throw the phone" is playing or that "blame it of the aaaalccohol" song comes on. Goodness can we not find any other songs in that huge library of music? Its says it the station that plays the songs we want. I don't think when people voted for poker face online to be played they knew it would be played ALL THE TIME. Gah.
I got my new T shirt in the mail yesterday and today I showed it off to the world. I personally think it is the coolest shirt ever.... no one else agrees except for Eliza. Sad. But oh well. Its from the Sector Nine ads about not polluting the air. :D I love it. Here is what it looks like:
Okay Dokay. I think I may be done. I know I will remember something the minute I publish the post.
Oh yeah. So the Hilary Duff lyrics on last post... I now know the real words. Its I want to scream not something about your water stream or whatever I wrote.
Oh and I have a Twitter so you should follow me. Its skaterdudette. :D
Now I think I am done. Yeah. Okay. Bye. Bye.
That was really NOT a very long post hahaha. The only thing that makes it tricky is your bloody layout. The red and yellow... my goodness that will induce seizures faster than epilepsy.
Wanted to comment oooooooon the radio station thing. So true, BUT, I kinda like how radio stations do that... I dunno why, but I like it. It kinda embeds certain songs into certain times of my life. So when I hear them again, memories of those times just wash over me you know?
Toss Salad Method!! YAY!
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