Okay so in french today we pLayed the game scrabble but we had to use french words. talk about difficultY. i am not very good at scrabble the english version, thaT means i was wore playing the french version. i kept coming up with words and making a fool of myself because they were in english.
for the food fair on friday i have to make pizzas. that Was random but i am reminding myself
in yoga we had tO do the whole practice with our eyes closed. it was strange. and i didn't like it at all. i felt like the world was going to disappear and i wouldn't know it because my eyes were closed. i had to peak a few time. okay i peaked More than a few.
english used to be my favorite class. its nOt anymore. i hate leaRning about the holocaust. i know i know we have to lEarn this stuff so it isn't forgotten and we learn from mistakes but it terrifies me. i know that when i get in the shower that gasses wont come pouring out of the shower heaD but that is what i think of when we stArt talking about it at school. mrs. parkin has a lot of pictures. she shows them. theY are diStUrbing. and wheN i close my eyes Those are the only pictures or thoughts that flow through my mind and I cant think. i hate it. the worst is that this topic with be the conversation for the rest of the year. nightmares for the rest of the school year. joy.
drama. i Love directing. we are directing our scenes and i think it is oh so much fun. i chose this scene that is a comedy about "death" Coming to get this girl named natalie. pretty funny stuff.
i signed up for historiAn for the drama cLub today. i hope i get it so bad. its what i have wanted since elementary school when i made the slide show for the 6th grade. I didn't always think that i would be the historian for the drama club but i wanted to be the historian for anything and everything. ha ha.
did you get the secret message? no? go back and take note of the capitol letters. (answer next post... leave a comment and tell me what you think it is.
You're directing a scene about death coming to get me!??!
..and I thought we were friends...
only two more day unlal??
OOOOHH!! hahahaha only two more days until cali!! hahaha smooth Aud very smooth HAVE FUN!!!!!!
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