Friday, October 19, 2012

fog, short buses, and a few classes later

If I ever questioned where my tuition money was going, it was answered this morning. I waited on the corner of 79 New Montgomery, in the foggy misty morning of the lovely San Francisco, for the “Hayes Express” to take me to the undergraduate registration building. The short white bus, marked clearly with Academy of Art logos and print, stopped in front of me. I approached the vehicle, entered, and sat down in the middle row next to the window. The driver switched shifts and we were off toward my destination. I was personally driven on my own short bus. I felt like a movie star as we rushed around traffic in the busy city. Everyone questioning who was on that short bus!

All right, I am being a bit dramatic, but I did feel special. Moral of the story is that I am now registered for spring semester and I am incredibly excited about it. First of all, all of my credits from the University of Utah and Firenze Arti Visve transferred! I saved two semesters worth of classes and money. For being told that none of my credits would transfer from either school – this was an exciting surprise.

My classes for next year are:
            Photoshop for photographers
            Quality of Light
            Written Communications of Art

Monday through Wednesday are 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. classes and the Thursday is 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. - exactly what I wanted.

The professors all have really good recommends. One is my favorite professor from this semester. He teaches very limited amount of classes and I never thought that I would get another opportunity to work with him. Another one was described as someone who is hard, pushes beyond the recommended course, and makes students work outside of their comfort zones. Mrs. Garcia (my personal representative) said, “He isn’t an easy class.” I just looked at her shocked that she would even question this and said, “I don’t want easy.” Turns out I am one of the few who wants a challenge because currently I am the only one registered for his class. Interesting, eh?

My morning was productive and made me excited for my future education. : ) Also, I found this quote that I simply fell in love with and find the desperate need to share it with it:

"to be modern is to find ourselves in an environment that promises us adventure, power, joy, growth, transformation of ourselves and the world - and, at the same time, that threatens to destroy everything we have, everything we know, everything we are." _ Marshall Berman

Have a great Friday! xoxo

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