Sunday, April 25, 2010

do you have your knickerbocker's on?

Do you know what I love? Late start school days. Aw, just speaking those precious, candy coated, words, makes me exuberant (nice vocabulary Audrey) and the thought of not going to school tomorrow until 9:30 makes my mouth stretch to a smile. 

Speaking of loves, here is a recent love of mine. . . just stumbled upon it twenty minutes ago. I was looking for the music video "Dishwasher" by Fujiya and Miyagi, but I couldn't find an original (. . only lame ones people made by themselves. These included old women doing dishes in neon non match rubber gloves stretched to their elbows for the entire three minutes) but I noticed this ones name and well, I had to click on it. (Come on! You would too! The name is Knickerbocker for heavens sake!) It turned out to be pretty rockin' (yes I did just use that word in that sentence) so I think you will enjoy it. (Or not. Whatever floats your pirate ship) 

Fujiya & Miyagi - Knickerbocker from aktik~abbit on Vimeo.
Tell me what you think. (or not, i guess you dont have to. I mean I will still like it even if you do or don't. Technically that is just a line people say to make you as an audience feel more connected to my writing. I hope you now feel connected.) 


1 comment:

Audrey said...

Ha ha that video was awesome! It was very different than what I was expecting and have seen before! How did you find it again?