Friday, April 9, 2010

well it was a try.

I am a bad person. I sat there last night staring an a blank screen, actually the same one I am looking at right now, with the will to write a blog post that will either bring all of you to your feet or at least help you know I still exist. But obviously that didnt happen. Instead I replaced it with a creative sentence that sounds better at midnight when I wrote it down. I am going to redeem myself, a little bit.  .> : )

Spring break. Before it started  had all these plans: hang out every night with friends, go to the zoo, finnish homework, ski every day, But its over. And although I had fun It wasnt enough time. I had a wonderful day with my Mother where I bought dresses for Take Five, saw dollar movies with Gabrielle late at night, skied once, and did some homework. But I feel like I wasted it

Take Five is coming up. In fact opening night is Thursday. Eek. I am excited, nervous, stressing, and happy! I feel like it has gone to fast. But I am ready to perform. I love my play and my cast. : ) Come see it!!

WORD. I hate that saying or reply or whatever you want to call it. What exactly does it mean? Its just something to feel up my text message inbox and makes you sound uneducated. Do not say it.

I got a snuggie for my birthday. It has my initials on it. : ) Be jealous.

I went and saw Dear John and When in Rome and have decided that recent movies are really good and enjoying to watch until you reach the end.. then it becomes cheesey, long, and lame. Just an opinion.

Strawberry Lime Italian Sodas are delicious.

Stop lights are entertaining.

Spring skiing is amazing.

ACT's suck. (I have one tomorrow)

Life is beautiful.




Megan Prietzel said...

Love you love you love you. That made me laugh :)

Audrey said...

We need to go spring skiing together and make our team t-shirts and just party!! :) okay? okay good.