Friday, March 1, 2013

it's my birthday

Sadly, I have gotten in the habit of only writing on monuments days. I should try harder to change that. Let's start with today. Today is my birthday. The big 20. My teenage years are officially over. I can no longer take advantage of being a "teen." Twenty is more adult sounding. I do not know if I like it.

I applied to get a job at Sephora. Our relationship lasted about a month. This month included three interviews that led me on, led me to believe we would be the perfect match. But today, actually yesterday, Sephora broke my heart after leaving me a one and half minute long voicemail telling me "the job I applied for as already been filled." Can you believe that? Least they didn't tell me over text message - then I would of had to break out the chick flicks and chocolate ice cream. What do they say? There is plenty more fish in the sea? I sure hope so because my fishing patients is wearing thin.

School is amazing. My classes are incredibly enthralling and I cannot wait to go to any of them.

Photoshop is a little slow paced and helpful - but finally I get to learn the tools by someone who knows what they are talking about. Did you know that I have been using the curves tool wrong this entire time? I know, embarrassing.
above: my marquee shaped animal - best of the class if I may add. 

My writing class is easy because I, obviously, love to write. We are currently working on autobiographies. The best part of this assignment is that the cute british boy "peer edited" my paper. If I thought my writing sounded good when I read it out loud, imagine a track star from England reading it in his fancy/incredibly charming accent. Mmm baby.

My favorite class is visualization. On the first assignment, I got high remarks from the class. Everyone loved my idea of illustrating the word "fear." The class was giggling and it was the perfect/creative comic relief in between the cliche spiders and drowning. Can you say "A?" : )

fear of commitment. 
Because I was top of the class my spirits were high going in to this last week. The assignment was "objective, subjective." Naturally, I turned to drug addicts for my idea. (Blame it on "Less than Zero" by Brett Easton Ellis.) 

objective: bloody nose
subjective: cocaine addict 
The class enjoyed the idea, but not as much as I thought. I was so excited about these images. I feel like I am officially breaking my comfort barriers this semester - this was the first step. I wasn't asking for a parade people - but a few "holy shit you are so amazing Audrey" never hurt! 

This week is "expected vs. unexpected." I would totally tell you my crazy idea, but I have already experienced a bit of idea stealing from someone who I thought was my friend. You cannot trust artists. Remember that.

My quality of light class is not as scary as the "dick" of a teacher made it out to be. I like him. He is not threatening at all. Also, I think he likes me because I dish a bit of sarcasm back at him every once and a while. We are learning every light option possible - even strobes (which if you didn't know, could kill you with their little black box of power!)

my friend Alicia in my perfect flat contrast shot. 
Overall, San Francisco is treating me well. I am incredibly homesick compared to previous semesters (and by that I mean - ever.) This big city is a bit lonely now that a lot of my friends have chosen not to come back to the Academy. 

This growing up thing is hard. I guess that means I am doing something right. 

Have a good night. xoxo 

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