Monday, February 27, 2012

a new flavor of man candy

How come when you tell someone you are doing really good they immediately ask who the new boi is? Can't a woman be happy without a man? I mean lets face the facts, what is so appealing about a man that makes people think we need them to be happy. This sort of thing just boost their egos. I just want everyone to know that I am loving my life right now and am doing really well, and no, it ain't because of a new flavor of man candy. 

Glad I got that off my chest.

I still don't have a job, just incase any of you were wondering. Applications are being sent out daily. Today I applied to two different positions in the same company! 

I really need to write this when I am not tired and am more focused. I am now regretting the decision to start a post, but I am to lazy to delete all this nice type. Enjoy it, for it did take some effort. 


P.S. I learned that if i make my post titles sound more provocative, the more hits i get. My top read post has the title "Eski-hoes." 

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