Wednesday, February 8, 2012

audrey verses the job market

I have been trying to get a job. 

You know, make my mark in this world, earn some daily income, help put chai teas on my table and concerts in my future, but it seems to me that the employment gods are clearly unhappy with me for a reason that I am unaware of.

People say that getting a job is hard, but getting rejected is harder.

I have applied to coffee shops, at libraries, for hair salon receptionists, and do you think any of them had the heart to call me and tell me that “I am sorry Miss Rotermund, but you are too good for our staff and we are sorry that you did not get the position.”


None of them did.

None of them called.

I was left to soak in my misery of humiliation that I was so unwanted no one took the time to tell me so.


I even got rejected from an internship. AN INTERNSHIP.  How can a company who says “interns make the world go round” reject a wonderful person like me who is willing to work for free and is excellent at going for coffee runs? That is just real low company who will not be named. Real low.

On a lighter note, I applied to six jobs today. SIX. I am hoping that this is the lucky number, because obviously three was not the charm.  Everyone cross your fingers and Grandma, pray to the saints for me!


I have a confession.

The main reason I desperately need a job is not because I am great need of money, I don’t have anything to spend money on, it is because I am lonely. I will admit it; I am tired of spending my days alone with the only company of my iTunes and studies.

 People, I need socialization.

It is very hard for me to wake up in the morning, get dressed beautifully, spend time on my hair and make up, spend time in a fifty-minute class, and go home without a word spoken to anyone. I have lack of energy to get make myself presentable if the only person to enjoy it is the creepy truck driver at the red light and the quick glance from the guy asking if he can use my pencil.

I am sure the grannies at 24 hour fitness love my bright eye make up, but I want more than those sag bags to notice and see it.

I do my homework, apply for jobs, and check my email every thirty minutes.

There is only so many times a girl can reorganize her room.

 I open the fridge multiple times, but get disappointed because there is nothing I want even though it is crowded with good foods. I am seeking company and no offense string beans just don’t do the trick.

My hard working family comes home from a day long of socialization, seeking quiet time, and all I want is to talk their ears off because I have been silent all day.  And I do talk. I talk a lot. And that frustrates all of them.

My loneliness is taking a toll on my family.

I need a social life.

So if you are out there future employers, please, take this plea for a job as a desperation to save the ears of my family and my sense of well being.


1 comment:

Audrey said...

I would hire you! haha We need to hang out again soon! My roommate brought her Just Dance game for the Wii and it is so fun! haha I am sorry you are lonely! I love ya!