Monday, July 19, 2010

guys in skinny jeans: a recent observation

Skinny jeans are everywhere, yes i did say everywhere, (and clearly are unisex,) but are they really good for guys? Skinny jeans highlight the features that are normally concealed by the looser fitting, or even baggy, clothes that guys are typically inclined to wear. 
(Unless, of course, they are hipster guys. Then of course they were whatever they damn well please. However, it’s not a fact that all hipsters rock skinny jeans. It doesn’t make you any more “scene,” or more of a hipster to wear skinny jeans, really.)

It’s probably common knowledge now to say that skinny jeans are a trendy fashion need some boys feel like they need, but we can’t escape the question:
are they worth the drop in comfort? 
Because man oh man do they look uncomfortable and sometimes force us to wonder 
how in the hell you fit your legs down into them.. 

How can the above pic be comfortable? 

Do you realize that if that dude broke one of those skinny legs, the paramedics would have to bust out some scissors and literally cut the pant leg of the injured limb open? 
That’s right, they don’t have time to sit around and wait for you to try and wriggle out of your skinny jeans, and if you have a break that’s bad enough it’s probably a terrible idea to wriggle around a broken bone. 
So guess what they do
they skip all that noise and go straight for the scissors. 
So, maybe the only pants they wouldn’t have to cut open to access your broken leg would be baggy pants. So this means that we conclude that
 baggy pants are the only decent pants to break your legs in.

Oh It’s also common knowledge that boys have penises and girls have vaginas, so then, clearly skinny jeans are more comfortable for women: so long as they can fit into a pair properly, right? Then again, you don’t have to be model skinny to rock some skinny jeans, and you can still get the same effect.

I do not want to give the impression that skinny jeans are bad.. some guys do look good in them. You just have to pull it all off. 
(skinny jeans, converse, tee shirts and blazer jacket with ray bans...)

Here are some thought about boys and skinny jeans:

Kyle: ”I dont like Tight Skinny Jeans on guys. I guess it gives them a emo look kinda...
I am not really in to the emo stuff…..
i guess kinda skinny jeans are ok and on girls there great haha”

Katie: “not a fan. mostly because i don't like when they look better in skinny jeans than i do”

Jeffery: “not that comfy. like super skinny. but i dont like super baggy either”

Allie: “some guys can pull it off and if they can, its attractive”

Eric: “if there tooo tight they deserve a kick to the balls to make sure they are still a guy.”

Grace: “well im all for the urban prepster man….so im into the skinny jean”

Titus: “guys in skinny jeans are whack, wear clothes that fit. 
skinny jeans are for females boys.”

Sarah: "I think if they can pull it off its hot"

Joe:  "i can sort of pull it off but ya when they are way skinny it gets weird."

So now it is your turn… skinny jeans.. are they for guys and ladies? 
Or should the 
stay out 
of the tight 


Eric:) said...

Good Job:)

very fancy.

Katriel-Maria said...

i like the baggy pants are the only kind of pants to break your leg in. you're cute and witty. keep it up :)

Anonymous said...

loved this topic!
the thing about skinny jeans on guys is that a lot of guys wear them WAY too tight so it won't fit on their butts. so they end up just walking around with a huge tee covering their butt that's hanging out while they hold onto their pants so they don't fall down.


Anonymous said...

I Love Men IN Skinny Jeans!!!! (if they are like you know "in shape" otherwise its like eeewwwyyy) i dont like when men wear the same jeans as me... the exact same.... :P...... but if its like the looser fitting type its hot! and if the slightly sag them... its like damn boy you is lookin SEXY! so yeah! hot guys should where skinny jeans! and ugly men should stay away from the skinny and go for the baggy!! :D

love your amazing writing skills!

Anonymous said...

i vote for girls with skinny jeans only. boys don't need to show off their legs. :)