Wednesday, May 12, 2010

melting strawberry sorbet

I sit here in my dining room, my father bobbing his head to invisible music with a cork rolling through his fingertips, my earbuds echoing "Sugar Sugar" by the Achieves into my left ear, my phone just vibrated- its a text from Max,the strawberry sorbet is melting next to me half full, a spoon pointing out to the ceiling lights. My mind wanders fast, my body exhausted. Toes cold. Face warm. Hungry but full. Need for iced chai. Afraid to say yes. Afraid to say no. Procrastination of Chemistry and English. Lips chapped. Thoughts confused. Song changed: "Golden Brown" by the Stranglers. slow breaths. fast heart beats. Thinking about distant conversations. Now about the lyrics. Now tomorrow. creativity pulsing. The need to go photograph something. Why havent you been there for me? want to reply. dont know what to say. random. be calm. be calm. "I think im scared to know, Im always on your mind." The need to shower. Bless me- I sneezed. Goodnight. 


Audrey said...

MAX!! ha ha. :) Nice post. cool way to say it. Saturday is going to rock. still sad that we can't make shirts. we should get together and do something cool. ok. bye now.

Anonymous said...

haha! wow that was amazing! great writing.... special.... but good description!

Anonymous said...

you know... your writing makes mine seem like a 2 year old is writing.... even the fonts look cool. GEEZ. stop making us un-technological savvy people look bad :) love it though