Monday, May 24, 2010

just because everything's changing, doesn't mean it's never been this way before

- Regina Spektor "The Call" 

Nine more days. That is all I have left of my junior year in high school. I am so excited for all the stresses of classes and drama of the student body to be over and to be released for Summer. I almost said that I excited for the warm weather that Summer brings, but currently that would be a lie because for some odd reason, Mother Nature, decided to make it snow today in valleys of Salt Lake City, in the middle a May. I am in a sweat shirt, sweats, and fuzzy socks to keep warm- the usual outfit winter brings out. April showers bring May snow?... I am pretty sure that is not how the song goes. 

I have some music to update you on. A friend of mine created these tracks. They are not bad and I am more than recommending you to click on this link and enjoy the sick tune-age it brings. Tell me what you think about it. Lets help the underground musicians become.. above ground (it sounded cooler in my mind) 

Saturday was Senior Prom. ( i dont know why I capitalized it, im took lazy to go change it.) Saia asked me. It was quite fun being in a group with Amy and Laura. I had an amazing time, but was quite exhausted by the end of the evening. The city library looks beautiful at night and surrounded by stars. Thank you Saia. : ) 

My cousin graduates this weekend. It is a scary thought because I am not too far behind him and he is like my brother. Ah. We are getting old. 

I dont know if you were aware of this.. but Verbaledudette is on facebook. Like it. Comment. I am so serious about uploading a picture of your face while your reading. 

So this page is kind of dark, should it be brighter? Are we up for a change? Different picture? Yes? No? I want to here from you. 

I have decided something I am going to do for a project next year. Starting on the first day of school I am going to take a picture of my face, every day to follow I am going to take a picture with the same face in the same place. I got my inspiration based off this mans video. My sister saw it and said it was blogworthy. 

Living My Life Faster - 8 years of JK's Daily Photo Project from JK Keller on Vimeo.

Have a good night. : ) xoxo 


Jaron said...

I think the blog could definitely use a make over. =)

Audrey said...

One, those are some way sick tracks!!
Two, I think it would be nice to see a change to your blog.
Three, that picture thing would be sick!!!