Mood: I feel sick to my stomach and could possibly start crying for no reason. As I am staring at our newly added Christmas decorations I want to feel happy. I want to smile and be in the "holiday" spirit- its just not happening. I feel lonely. I also don't want to go to school at all on Monday! Gah. I wish the weekend of freedom didn't have to end. Oh well.
Listening too: "I need some fine wine and you need to be nicer" By: The Cardigans
Eating: Nothing (which is kind of odd.....I'm always eating!)
Quote of the moment: "War does not decide who is right... only who is left."- Bumper Sticker on the back of this dudes purple Jeep driving down State Street.
Just Wondering: Do you ever wonder if the people you thought as friends think of you as a friend back? Right now.. and well.. um.. a lot lately.. I have been wondering that. I don't want to sound stuck up or what not but I honestly think most of my 'friends' don't like me back as much. I mean I feel left out all the time. I wont let this stuff bother me, don't worry.
- Thanksgiving was alright. I missed my cousin... (he was in Las Vegas guarding a soccer goal in the Turkey cup or something with a Turkey) The food just didn't seem as wonderful as usual. I felt pretty though (Which I haven't felt for a long time)
- I saw the movie BOLT yesterday. Talk about adorable. That movie is a must see. I am fifteen and I enjoyed the cute animation characters. Ahh!
- We went Christmas tree 'shopping' today. Our tree is 8 feet tall and beautiful. My Mother put way to many stands of lights on it that it looks like it is on fire. I LOVE IT. We put the decorations on tomorrow night. Maybe I will put on a picture.
Random Fact: Candles are beautiful. They smell amazing and the glowing of the flame hidden in the middle of a flicker of color, always makes the room feel magical.
What I WANT most at this very moment: I want to be asked to the school dance. I want to go really bad. I am insane about it. Whenever the door bell rings late at night I have this feeling that when I open the door it would be a creative cheesy way asking me to the dance. My family has just been saying that its just the school I am in and such.. but I know they are just covering up the fact that they know I am not very popular. Anyways. I just want to go to the dance.
- I would also like it to rain or snow-HARD
- (I would also like to know you Mr. mystery is who wrote on my blog)
Funny Moment of the Moment: I am watching Spider-Man with my sister. The part w
hen M.J. kissed Spider man upside down. My sweet 12 year old sister just turned to me and said Wouldn't it be weird to kiss upside someone who is upside down? I guess you wouldn't have to worry about their nose getting in the way." HA HA I love her!
That's all! Comment (especially Mystery Boy)
xoxo- Audrey