Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What a good day to start. . .

Today is a Tuesday, thank god (cause if it was Monday i wouldn't be here, i would be over there, in the coner sleeping, because that is what Mondays should be used for) and i had school. In fact it was an A day (which are my most perfered out of the A and B days of High School)
I went to English, barley getting there on time. The teacher (i wont say her name to protect her identity) puts the fun in dysfunctional. Talking for forty five minuets straight about every topic imaginable and some how it seems like each topic either ends up with sex and Harry Potter. We had sex with the Greek Gods. Sex with Romeo and Julliet. She always finds away to bring a "delightful" health dicussion to each morning. It just makes my day. (NOT)
Next was Biology with the Queen B of the C hall. I know had a test. I think it was on vertabrae. I think i failed.
Then dance.
Then DRAMA- Drama is one of my favorite classes. I was supposed to be working all weekend on memorizing my lines for a scene for my final grade. I didnt. I showed up to class barley memorized, got up on the stage with the lazer eyes of the bored class starring at me waiting for me to mess up. I went through the whole scene no problem (okay so i messed up a little, just get over it.) It was a miracal on 800 South 1300 East.
As you can see my life has not reached the climax of my story, but it will!
Well til next time- L8ter


Anthony said...

Funston? The teacher I mean.

Audrey said...

Oh yes. Mrs. Funston. I like to say that she puts the fun in dysfunctional.