Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My computer has been replaced by a fancy new MacBook Pro and I am still obsessed with Instagram.

I woke up this morning grumpy and my bangs in every direction. It was the kind of morning that I should of washed my hair, but didn't. It was the kind of morning where I didn't realize my bra strap was broken until I was running to catch the train (aka MUNI for you bay life readers) into the city and the bra almost ended up at my ankles. It was the kind of morning that the little crosswalk sign decided to skip the counting and go straight from white walking man to green light for traffic speeding my way. It was the kind of morning that they were out of pumpkin spice syrup for the seasonal Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks but refills would be here "in thirty minutes" when I had class in twelve. It was the kind of morning that Alanis Morissette would write a song about while using the wrong definition of ironic multiple times. Luckily for me, mornings only last until noon. 

It has been a while, but like I always say, it is good to be back and I don't know why I leave so much time in between writing. 

The last time I posted was in the hazy Utah summer talking about my love for rooftops and the men that joined me upon them. Incase you didn't know, since then I have moved back to San Francisco, continuing my education in photography at the Academy of Art University. I now live in a studio apartment by the beach and am newly employed. My computer has been replaced by a fancy MacBook Pro and I am still obsessed with Instagram. (@audreyrotermund)

Do you feel caught up? I didn't think so. That is why I have devised this devilish plan. I am going to take the next few days to completely update you on my life going from new house, school, boys, employment, and anything in between. I could make it into one large post, but as I sit here and consider readers like my hard working Mother, who do not have time to read novels, I have come to the conclusion that smaller ones would be easier and better for everyone (including myself.) Consider them like chapters. It makes it easier to take a snack break in-between and it always leaves you wanting more. Also, I know those who receive these posts as emails would much rather see my name in their inbox more than once! (right Tommie?) 

Coming up next: How to find an Apartment in SF in Five Months and Seven Days 


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