Monday, April 25, 2011

Justin and Eski-ho's

Things I learned from the Just Bieber Movie: 
It is pretty impressive how fast Justin got to the top

Will Smith's son is the most adorable thing on the planet
That was about it. 

I have a word for you all today that really fits today's modern society. We have seem to embrace our Alaskan culture now that Sarah Pailn can see Russia from her back deck.  (when I orginally wrote "Palin" i wrote it like "Palien.." I guess I was just thinking of aliens from outer space when I thought of her. Odd.) We, not including me, but maybe including you, have taken the eskimos style and put a little jersey flair on it. I am pleased to introduce the:

Eski-ho (noun)

Definition: A girl who wears UGGS (or the knock off's called UGH) with a short skirt or short shorts or a short dress or maybe even no pants at all 

in that case we would ad an "e" at the end for "Eski-hoes" just because if they are not wearing pants they are a little different from the normal "-ho"  

Have a great monday my friends. 
And stay away from the Eski-ho(e)'s. 

This message was approved by Britney Spears

And sponsored by Jessica Simpson. 

1 comment:

Audrey said...

That was fabulous post! I was literally laughing out loud! haha Oh man and its so true which is kinda sad actually. You are great. :D