Thursday, September 13, 2012

chilled and heart ached

Tonight San Fran is chilly and windy. Outside I can hear the chanting of what sounds like entire football team. I guess I should not call it chanting, for the sounds they are making are not words but fall more along the lines of animal noises. It is the weekend for me and my roommates now, so the room has a studious feel as we all work on the homework we let stack up over the passed week.

I met my film teacher today. For those of you who do not remember, he was missing in action last week because he was being a critic for the Toronto Film Festival. I absolutely love him. Jesse is his name and he is incredibly passionate about all films and what they have to give. You can see it in the way that he talks. He knows what he is saying. He is engaging as he walks through the large auditorium, attempting to make eye contact with each student. His presence makes you feel immediately involved and interested.  I think this class is going to be a lot of work, but I am really going to enjoy it. Really really enjoy it. Kayleigh (my roommate) just transferred into the class, so it was fun to have her with me. I made a new friend also. His name is Ed and he drives a motorcycle. He seems nice.

Dinner tonight was yummy, but also a little upsetting. It was crowded in the little cafĂ©; most of the larger tables were taken. We (my roommates and I) sat in the back. The table next behind us was a four top. A lone boy sat there eating his dinner. He arrived about ten minutes after we got there. He was in the middle of eating a not even half empty plate of food when these two girls and their boyfriends approached the table. The one girl asked him to move so that her and her friends could all sit together. He collected his stuff and just left, throwing away all the food on his plate. I may be being overdramatic, but it kind of upset me that these people thought they had the right to make someone move just so they could all sit together. It upset me that he just walked out. How was he feeling or thinking about? I feel bad that I didn’t say something, invite him to our table, pull a chair over, but part of me was in astonishment and didn’t want to make a big deal and embarrass him even more. I had to tell that to you. It bothered me. I don’t know.

Hope you have a wonderful Thursday night. Happy Birthday to my dancing twin Audrey! xoxo

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