Friday, August 3, 2012

the qualifications of a triathlon have been changed

I am sitting on my couch in a multi colored flower apron (that is two small for me) surrounded by four empty cartons of Italian gelato, watching some fit girls run track on the television, and pursuing the internet for hotties with bodies. That is how I found Francisco Javier Gómez Noya (the name itself is a sex symbol.)

He was born March 25, 1983 in Basel, Switzerland, but he is Spanish at heart (and blood – his parents were both immigrants from Spain.) Now living in Ferrol, Galicia, Spain, he is a triathlon world champion. That means that he can run to you, swim to you, and bike to you.

 And can you just look at his soft eyes, hot body, and that Spanish accent that you can practically hear through the pixels of his Latin lips?

 That is what I call a true triathlon. 

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