Wednesday, October 19, 2011

painting with light

Remember when I told you that painted with light with joanna last weekend? Yeah neither do I.. well tried it out, obviously not completely what was intended but the experience was enjoyable. Joanna and I got creative one thursday night. We turned off all the lights in the apartment so it was pitch black. The darkness made the noises of the neighbors moving around us exaggerate and terrify a little. Then as I held the shutter speed open with my camera, Joanna moved a flashlight over her face or the stairs. We did an entire roll of film after these few test shots that you get to see. On the film, one of the images contained a Joanna monster with three heads. Epic right? Well we cannot wait to play with this idea a little more. We are thinking of using our friend Felix, the dancer, and have him dance in slow motion so there are multiple Felix's. 

The following shot may be disturbing to look at and possibly will produce nightmares. Viewer discretion advised. Especially if you want your children to sleep at night. 

I now get to go document a press conference for the big art show on Saturday at my school. No I am not in it, but famous professional artists are. Oh did I mention I am also the official photographer of the event? : ) Talk to you soon. Ciao. 


Rachel said...

The apartment looks so scary, I love it!

Anthony said...

Good luck at the art show!

Jade said...

Love it! Good luck at the show. :)