Monday, January 17, 2011

This is for all the free sample eaters at Costco.

Do you really need to stand in line for twenty minutes to get a sample from a greasy old guy who probably didn't wash his hands after his last bathroom break???

I went shopping at Costco this weekend and was completely appalled by the herds of human flesh waiting in line, impatiently for a chip.

One chip.

Or a piece of ground up beef that was once frozen and just came out of the microwave. 

Or even a teaspoon of orange juice that has less real fruit in it than a beer does. 

Bringing your family with you to the sample table isn't a bonding moment folks.

Get that into your sample sized mind. 

People walk up to the table and park their big ass carts in the isles so i can't get to the frozen pizza section. Put your cart out of everyone's way, get your sample, and MOVE ON! Do not just stand there acting like you are going to buy it, chatting with the poor sales rep, asking them all these stupid stupid questions that you know can be answered if you just read the damn box, because we all know you just wanted a free bite. 

Do not even get me started on the greedy samplers. One sample is enough folks. If you like it so much, buy the product. If you are so freaking hungry go buy yourself a greasy hotdog/churro/chicken baked something from the food court as you are exiting out of the store and getting out of my way.

thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am with you girl!