Saturday, April 10, 2010

shortboard or longboard skating?

All this summer I gave Joe and Ryan shit for being longboarders and not a skateboarder like me. I called them cowards and how there was no fun it. This argument between us was a friendly competition that meant nothing- but boy did we argue. Now I am going to let you all in on a little secret: I had never longboarded in my entire life. I had no right to form an opinion because I had never tried the opposing force. I talked crap like I had tried it and hated it... but i lied. I know, I am a bad person.

so after a few many months- okay so it has been like a year, get over it!!! - i decided to try the longboard officially. And I did it tonight. 

 It. was. hard. 
  • First off the board bounces up and down. Yes it was like a little trampoline effect under my feet. I would try to stand there and that bamboo would just bounce me. I could not gain good balance.
  •  I felt like I was standing on a curve going up. Like a little mountain top under my feet (IM QUEEN OF THE MOUNTAIN) which was very awkward. 
  • I didnt know where to put my big feet! When skateboarding my feet are closer to the very end of the board over the bearings, but on a longboard if I tried to do that I would be skating down wide legged looking like I was doing some weird angled yoga pose and would not be able to control the board. (Also i would look like an idiot.. people would stare. I would probably fall over and rip my pants. be there done that) 
  • It seemed to go faster. It scared me a little.
  • There is more of a board to control making it hard to make turns
  • curbs like to get in your way when your on a long board
  • i didnt feel in tune with the board. I felt like it had more control over me. 
while riding,  I felt like i was learning how to skateboard all over again. My body was tense, my knees were not bent in tune with the board, and I didnt trust myself nor the board while turning, carving or even going down a not so steep hill. 

Now all you long boarders out there that I have told were lame to longboard: do not take this as an opportunity to think that I now agree that longboarding is the best ever- I just give you some kudos and some appreciation. Longboarding is tough and is not as easy as it may seem. 

I plan to do some practicing- but now i can say. Skateboarding officially is my favorite. : ) 


Anonymous said...

you have never longboarded before????? and i thought i was new to this hahaha i love my longboard its amazing. skateboards are to short for me. hey heres what we'll do, you teach me to skate board and i'll.... i'll umm watch you fall on my long board :) jk

Audrey said...
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Yann said...

That was a nice reading. Thanks

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